Elected Trusted Servants
Trusted Servant Responsibilities
Trusted Servants are group members who identify as alcoholic and have a minimum one-year of continuous sobriety. Elections are held at a quarterly business meeting in the summer.
Chair - Two-Year Term
Schedule group conscience meetings with at least two weeks notice; announce meeting topics during daily announcements
Lead group conscience and quarterly business meetings
Principal contact with church leaders and designate alternate regular liaison to ensure property is respected by our members and all obligations are met
Distribution of keys, assignment of opening days, and keep record of keys out to whom; collection of keys back from members not completing their term
Secretary - One-Year Term
Record and maintain electronically and in writing, minutes of all Group C, quarterly business meetings, and special subcommittee meetings as may arise
Maintain Phone List and update and distribute quarterly
Maintain current accurate trusted servant positions and commitment dates on designated area of phone list
Maintain Group Archive Notebooks
Treasurer - Two-Year Term
Collection of all monies collected daily in baskets and through electronic accounts (Venmo and PayPal)
Make regular deposits and maintain banking records
Distribution of donated funds to designated entities, ie. GSO, Area, District, NECS, St. Dunstan’s, and Special Earmarks
Provide up-to-date treasury report at Quarterly Business Meetings, annually, or as otherwise requested by Chair
Co-Treasurer - One-Year Term
Serves as backup Treasurer
Provides redundant oversight and can assume the position as needed
Central Service Representative - Two-Year Term on odd-numbered years
Deliver donations to Central Service
Purchase Birthday Chips in coordination with Birthday Meeting Leader
Purchase and Maintain Group books and literature
Attend quarterly board meetings and represent Awakening
Grapevine / La Vina Representative - One-Year Term
Set up Grapevine/La Vina display and back issue collections at each meeting
Familiarize members with Grapevine and its bi-monthly Spanish Language version, La Vina
Participate in District and Area Grapevine Committee and inform the group of worldwide Grapevine outreach activities
Encourage members to subscribe, submit articles, and donate previously read copies
Birthday Meeting Leader/ Friday Opener - One-Year Term
Coordinate setup with normal Friday opening person to assure smooth Friday Birthday Speaker Meetings
Lead Friday Birthday Speaker Meetings
Coordinate with Intergroup Service Representative to assure appropriate birthday chips are available and at the meeting
Greeter Chair - One-Year Term
Responsible for greeting or arranging for greeter(s) at the front door each morning 6:45-7:05 a.m.
Open door, welcome each person, point out coffee and seating to visitors; introduce visitors to one or two members
General Service Representative (GSR) - Two-Year Term
Sign up with General Service Office and obtain literature
Register with Central Service Office and ensure you are included in electronic communications - email, texts, mail
Receive and share with the Group all mail from the General Service Office, including newsletter “Box 4-5-9”
Keep group informed about general service activities and opportunities in the Area
Attend and represent group at Quarterly District Meetings and Area 57 Assemblies
Attend and represent group at Monthly Joint Service Meetings
Plan for Group’s participation in annual State Conference
Generally become acquainted with other GSR’s, DCM’s, Committee Members; network and volunteer as time permits
Has standing to vote at all District and Area meetings
Alternate GSR - Two-Year Term
Elected same time as GSR; thought of as “GSR in training”
Willingness to attend meetings with GSR and share GSR responsibilities
Has standing to vote proxy for GSR at all District and Area meetings